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The nature of God

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text font_size=”16px” line_height=”24px”]One of the most wonderful things the revelation of Grace did for us, is to reveal the true nature of God. I think the biggest lie on earth (or fake news if you want) is about the character of God. Grace helps us to realize that we need to put Jesus at the center and keep Him there. And as we learn to behold Him, we find the truth about God.

To know God, we need to look unto Jesus:


Hebrews 1:2  Has spoken to us in these last days in the person of his Son, whom he has appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe; 3 He is the brightness of his glory, and the true image of his nature…


When the apostle John speaks about Jesus revealing to us what the invisible God actually looks like, he says in that context:
John 1:16 From the abundance of his grace, we have all received grace upon grace.


While we adjust our believes about God into better and better opinion, of course the devil gets more nervous than ever before. So don’t be surprised if you need encouragement or help to walk around full of joy and to –help- build church with faith and patience.


We believe this is the season of the latter rain, the time of 5 times more. Time to face and deal with whatever might be in the way. Three tips to get fresh, ready and stay ‘online’ in this new season:

  • Problems trusting people? Check if there is bitterness in your heart and get rid of it. Pastor Joshua McCauley preached a great sermon about this: https://subsplash.com/redemptionsermons/lb/mi/+6debecd
  • Lack of (ministry)results? If you realize that you have to deal with disappointment from the past I want to advise you to listen to a sermon from Pastor Andrew Toogood. He preached this in Young and Free campus Rotterdam. https://subsplash.com/jongenvrij/lb/mi/+qbk87mx
  • A tip for everyone: Knowing about grace can become more mind knowledge than heart knowledge. To avoid that, I like to listen daily to Pastor Prince. Maybe you like to watch or to read; all of that is available online.
  • Contact us! We really mean it when we say ‘ You’re not alone’. By now we have great people in Grace Alliance, ready to give you a phone call to listen and to pray with you, if that’s what you need.

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