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No shame if you see little result

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text font_size=”16px” line_height=”24px”]At times we all have the tendency to judge ‘our’ ministry and conclude we’re failing. If you compare it with the unlimited potential of the message, you easily see too little result.  If you compare it with others, we can even doubt if we have a ministry. God is favoring the other and apparently not your effort?

I even noticed while visiting Pastors or ministry leaders from small works, that they were ashamed to show me their reality. But that’s probably why I came: to help.

I learned from Pastor Prince that grace has slow result. When you apply the law, there is quick result. Only it stabilizes soon and from there it can only crumble. Grace shows seemingly very little result, sometimes for a pretty long time. But then is rises into a curve, not to be stopped anymore. Ever increasing glory. The way of grace is slowly but surely.

If my work is bigger than yours, trust me: I’m not smarter. I believe that I’m simply allowed to help others. And when they rise, I will probably need them.

2 Corinthians 8:14 But that there be equality, so the abundance you have now might supply their need, that in turn their abundance may be a supply for your need: that it may equal out

So could it be when your work is small, God is preparing in quality, not yet in quantity? Or could it be that you simply need help? Welcome to the club, we all do! That’s why I’m on the road: trying to help, because it’s needed. And that is only after I got lots of help myself ‘how to get grace to work’, year after year for 13 years.

Don’t go for quick results, rather go for solid ‘building’. Need more encouragement?
Please also read this: Humble Beginnings[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
